
Do you remember browsing the internet as a child? There was nothing to worry about it was just fun and games. As you get older your priorities change but does the fun within technology need to? Welcome to The Digital Adventure where we explore the world of technology and all it has to offer. Hi, my name is Marc Joyce and I developed The Digital Adventure in order for normal users like you and I to not only enjoy technology but learn the depth and details technology has to offer along the way. My love for technology has always been with me since I was younger but working with technology for 13 years has established my calling and being able to be apart of the next new machine or computer would be amazing. Being around technology my whole work career has opened my interest to cybersecurity. If I had to rate my experience in the field of Information Technology I would say I'm in the early stages of intermediate. For my career aspirations, I want leave my mark within my company. I want to look back and be proud of the work and the efforts I gave to protect the digital world from cybercrime . What I hope to gain from this is more knowledge around Information Technology in order to prepare for my future professional career in Cybersecurity. Once I graduate I can say I'll Be a Part of an Exciting, Challenging Field. The internet touches many aspects of life and security plays an important role so as a cyber security professional, I will constantly be facing new, engaging challenges and hope to see you all along the ride!
