Documenting a Day

Application programs allow us to do so much more in the digital world. I mean that’s their main purpose, to assist users with specific tasks such as communication. Today we will compare word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications. By sharing a few functions of each application we can help individuals distinguish which one works best based on task at hand. While applications are convenient, it is what they are able to do and how they perform that truly give the communication experience a meaningful cause.

This assignment gave me an opportunity to document a typical day in my life utilizing a few different software programs, four to be specific. The programs used are all a part of Microsoft Office with functions of word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications. An advantage According to text “Microsoft Word is a word processor  application for creating formatted text which refer to features of a document like margins, text size, bold text, italicized text, colors, number of columns, etc” (Vahid, & Lysecky, 2019). This application is useful when documenting large amounts of data in a professional environment such as this part of the assignment or part one. A disadvantage would be not great for group work projects. In part two we transferred that same information into an excel spreadsheet. An advantage is not needing a calculator. According to text “ A spreadsheet application is common for representing tables of data like text or numbers, for using formulas to calculate data from other data, and for creating graphical charts from data” (Vahid, & Lysecky, 2019). A disadvantage would be it is often the one app within these four that me have most errors. Once we got into the presentation side of things it became more animated to highlight important parts of the day. An advantage is being able to communicate to most of the world. The presentation program or PowerPoint according to text “ is a presentation app used to create a slideshow of text and graphics, often with animation” (Vahid, & Lysecky, 2019). A disadvantage would be we sometimes get caught in the slides and lose our audience. Lastly database applications are a collection of data organized to enable efficient information retrieval (Vahid & Lysecky, 2019). A disadvantage would be failure to the database application causing a freeze on project. The application software that was most appropriate for documenting the information about my day was Excel due to the numbers and graphs. It put into perspective my routine and time spent. Microsoft Excel allows people to input data into spreadsheets. This could also be useful when completing a work schedule with budgets and all.

Although no one Microsoft Office application will fix all our communication moments it does help to communicate better. Correcting human errors with all Microsoft Office applications will help to communicate in a professional way. Whether these tools impact us in a negative or positive way is based on the user themselves. While these applications are convenient performing is key in order to succeed .
