Programming Languages

Programming languages have a major impact on all computers. In fact, programming language give us the ability to translate algorithms in order for a computer to carry out specific information within an application. While there are many program languages out there, we focused on a few. Machine language which uses 0 and 1 throughout, assembly language which is a textual human-understandable representation of a machine language's and high-level languages which have higher-level instructions.

My experience building a program using scratch was fun and interesting. This was my first time using a building program so there was a few things to learn and understand in the process. The difficulties that I encountered in my Scratch Project during the process was getting to know the system and its functions to utilize correctly. I overcame the difficulties that I encountered in Scratch by trial error and tutorial guidance. Not knowing any of the functionalities, what they stood for, or how they worked was just another challenge for me to overcome but with great visual details available that wasn’t to difficult. Some insights that I gained about programming from this exercise was how many parts play into making a program run sufficiently and the time needed to test these functions to ensure they run as necessary. With the sprites you must set starting and ending coordinates in order for them to reset and go where needed. My experience in programming oppose to the activities in the text book were much different. Within the text there was a lot of manual input needed to make programs run correctly whereas scratch had set codes for me to build together within blocks to operate the program. The difference between the programming languages high level use more formulas to code like python. The machine language focused more on using 0s and 1s while assembly language a bit different amd much harder to adjust to. The language that I found easiest to use was Python once figured out due to its freedom. The text states “ Today programmers rarely write programs in machine language. Instead, they use the clearer assembly languages or high-level languages. These languages are partly responsible for the current widespread use of computers “(science direct). These programming languages would be most effective as follows, python is great for building websites and software, machine learning sounds like it would be good for advertising through memory. The programming language I think is the most popular would be python due to how it scripts text for better understanding as well as how much more it can create.

Although computers use different programs, the idea is meant to still ensure the computer executes applications correctly through coding. Like mentioned before, Programming languages impact all computers so it is important to develop the proper codes for applications and software to run efficiently.
