Computers in the Workplace

Based on my current understanding of information technology and my experience with the sales industry, I believe it is important for all employees in this environment to be computer literate first and foremost because this is the way of the world now. Most if not all companies use some sort of technology in order for their businesses to operate efficiently with as minimal error as possible. With my company being in the wireless industry, I thought about the amount of different categories I come across when dealing with sales and computers. Customers information, company financial data, analytics, forecasting sales, sales presentations or troubleshooting to name a few and the different software we must use in order to gather whats needed to be successful all comes from having some understanding of the technology in a way that benefits the organization outcome. When it comes to sales, computers allow you to generate revenue around the clock 24/7 with online shopping expanding your sales geographic by allowing you to reach potential customers. These same computers also help with memory, security, and cross channel communication. Imagine humans needing to remember everything a computer does or having to protect paper documents without them becoming exposed. How about needing to send documents to an individual who works for same company but different part of the world. Being computer literate will open more opportunities for an individual with the world operating through technology.

Considering the historic trends of computing, computer hardware, operating systems, and networking, the impact on my chosen industry over the next 10 years will continue to evolve forsure. I do believe communication will continue to change but at the end of the day companies are always looking for a better way to become more efficient and generate revenue. With technology always evolving computers will become faster, more powerful, more secure, and software will be even better to ffunction. Like everyone else I'm curious to know what new transformational technologies will we see.
