Tech topic Connection

For my selcted topic I fecided on Network Security. So what is network security?According to text “Network security is the protection of the underlying networking infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, or theft. It involves creating a secure infrastructure for devices, applications, users, and applications to work in a secure ” (Cisco). Information Technology is an impactful and yet a very important part of our lives personal or business related. After being able to start my adventure with IT classes, I have been able to learn some vital fundamentals of information technology. In my Tech101 course we learned about many different aspects of information technology basics. My selected topic Network Security connects to the fundamentals of information technology because it is what keeps cybercriminals away while protecting not only important data or information but also a computers hardware or software and all that comes along with it. To be specific, processors, memory, hard drives, operating systems, web and apps to name a few were some of the important things that connect to my topic Network Security. By covering many multitudes of technology or devices it protects everything a computer has to offer. Network Security is crucial to the fundamentals of information technology. Without network security you have no safe way to protect computer systems and network. Things like passwords and firmware are just two of the many important factors to securing a network. My tech topic relates to the concepts of information technology and computer science, including the history of computers and the means by which computers operate properly. Encryption is one way to strengthen your computer and its network although it isn't guaranteed security it helps, since most errors are human error. Network security relies on the major hardware components and functions of a modern computer system in order to secure what is necessary. You may see items like WPA2, WPA, WEP, HTTPS, or SSL which are common in encrypting. When it comes to programming languages you think of Java, Javascript, python and more. These programs execute in many different ways like anti-virus software, application security and access control. Weak data security can cause for valuable information to become lost or stolen, create a poor customer experience and harm an organization or individuals reputation and personal info could be exposed. Security holes/vulnerabilities and computer viruses cause for Computer systems to be vulnerable to each kind of threat because there is so much going on within a computer that an error could occur. The text suggest "A security hole, or vulnerability, is an aspect of a computer that can be used to breach security" and "A computer virus is a program that runs on a user's computer without permission, and spreads itself to other computers, often via email" (Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2019). The role that application software plays with network security is just as important as any other. By developing security features to stop vulnerable threats from occurring like unauthorized access or modifying things within we as users can protect information within their database. Network Security relates to the basic concepts of database and database management because it keeps vital information safe and this is information that a company or individual control. By having a database we can quickly access files that are stored in different areas without one and there would be no easy way to manage that info. The basic concepts of network architecture, management, and security influence network security more by increasing the productivity and privacy of the systems. By doing this we can also stop data collection. With the internet being the sole source to having multiple devices connected it has also opened up the door for vulnerabilities to occur more frequently which is where we began securing web browsers. By understanding the basics of information technology this will broaden my knowledge into network security and cyber-security will be something I'm able to understand when the time rises. 
