Traveling Through a Network

Reflecting on my experience using the ping and traceroute commands was different. Ive never did any pinging or tracing before this so it was nice to get into some technical aspects of my computer. PING which stands for “Packet Internet Groper.” sends small packets of information out to a specific IP address, requesting a response from the recipient. The ping command checks to see that a device or website is available and how quickly you can access it. Pinging websites also ran much quicker than the traceroute command. Traceroute, also called tracert sends small packets of information out to a specific IP address and documenting the path that the packets take as they travel there. The traceroute command lists all of the routers that the packets pass through until they reach their destination and the time between each router stop, also known as a hop. This option especially in japan took much longer to tramsmit than the other two. My conclusion about the relationship between the roundtrip time and geographical location is that it takes time depending the actual distance data needs to travel physically. Ping and traceroute commands can be used to troubleshoot internet connection problems by looking for other devices to be reachable through ping whereas traceroute will disect network issues and where they may fail on their way to location. Two possible reasons why a ping request or traceroute command might time out or return with an error response is because of firewall security or a possible connection issues. With IP addresses which are numeric is typically divided into 32 bits four 8bits usually as a decimal it is harder to remember things like this so domains are also created and a DNS is converted. After reviewing the three sites I was able to so where communication differences appeared through ping and traceroute.
